...with a few "slight" differences of thought--I am PERFECTLY in line with
"Smokey"... I am NOT an "African-American"...and while there are MANY
who go along to get along("whatever" is their dismiss)... it DOES matter.
Very much appreciate the African Fellow, below Smokey. He's on it.
But with one HUGE EXCEPTION for this "Negro"...
I AM "HOME", bruh.
Family, Kin, and Friend for generations RI'CHERE'. I respect you in being
at home in your Africa as "African"...'preciate if you'd respect those of us,
here... as being "home" as Black Americans. TRUTH.
When even the Great Nelson Mandela came here...and was asked(by White Press
Folk) if he identified with the "Black American" in America. He said...and I
accepted his words--hard to find exact quote these days--the control-police are
f''n with every damn thing--but it hit me like a brick with having witnessed all
the Black Folks here hunger-striking and protesting and raising hell in support
of South Africa--even to point of having Reagan's reasoning for America to
CONTINUE to do business with South Africa VETOED...
Mandela said : "we more closely identify with the "Native Peoples" of America,
the original inhabitants"...
Cool... he said what he felt. And I understand it. I accept it and respect him for
his honesty. But it was a reminder of the distance.
Then you have ongoing "follow-ups" from Africa droppin' all kinds of negatives
here and there on the "regular struggling" BEEN HERE" Black Folks... the
attitudes and negative crap goes on and on...
Latest being some bozo called Acorn or something like that...(I thought
"A-hole" when I read it. I ain't a rap fan... but--they're still my Family. My
Folks...and his dismissal and comparison to Africans being "better"?
Just another of many I've witnessed, experienced, seen, heard, felt.
So let's cut the crap. If you're a Negro who's SUCCEEDED in America...hey,
you're a friend and kin and glad-hand slap on the back. And if you can be used
in some way to promote X Y or Z? Hey... smile and enter.
I supported Obama(first time only--2nd time I wrote-in voted for Val Demings
as President and Tulsi Gabbard as Vice President) even though I KNEW he
wasn't "real" in terms of rank and file Black Folks. Look at his cabinet and who
they/he chose to surround him? Check their backgrounds...they were NOT
Historical Black Americans. Like with Kamala...the "Controllers" passed on
much better VP's in SEVERAL women(Black AND White) for an
ill-suited "anchor born"(neither parent was an American citizen) who
graduated highschool in Canada. They maneuvered this for...? reasons.
You tell me...
And the disses go on and on. "African" American? Uh uh. No thanks.
And even that fella from South Africa...who showed up and was picked to front
that ? show(Daily Show?)... The first time I saw the fella, he mimicked and made
fun of Black American "speaking"... and capped it off with a response to
a Black American speaking(before a huge white audience)... he capped his
exchange mimicking a Black American by responding to a comment the local
Black made...
"Africa, yeah... I gots to get back there"...
What did the South African offer for the audience amusement?
"We ain't waitin'" said the smug recent arrival.
And for that attitude? Hollywood rolled out the red carpet.
I'm "home". Thank you, Smokey. Think I'll watch you again.
AW 1-5-23