...if you find your way here. TAKE A CLOSE LISTEN TO WHAT
COLONEL MACGREGOR has to say. If he is even HALF correct, America is
being badly led in the wrong direction. Lots of stuff seems not to make much
sense or to be in the best interests of America and Americans. Hell, 'seems to
be harmful to a whole BUNCH of Folks on the planet. Ukraine and TONS of its
Youth are being DESTROYED? Can no kind of suspension of all the damn
slaughter of the Young take place while all parties seek a "peaceful" solution
that most involved can "live" with?
Truth be told, I'd like to be like what I "think" is most Americans... and glance at
this on the evening news with all the rest of the bad stuff happening near and
far. And then go about "my" living--with this being just more of the noisy
background crap that bedevils most of us born as a"Human-imperfection-in-
evolutionary-process from our cradle to our grave "experience". So far...
Hey, if we can just STOP killin' each other ? Progress, baby. On the way
toward our full Human Potential. "Human" Evolution...
Hopefully, we'll survive long enough to REACH that "better-brand Being" in the
What bugs my ass 'long in through here of late... and won't allow me to just take
each damn day as it comes--just "cruisin'"...are the words of Malcolm X that keep
poppin' up in my head:
"...chickens come home to roost...".
Ironically, Malcolm X was speaking of the assassination of President Kennedy.
The interpretation of some folks was that Malcolm X was speaking about all the
Death and Destruction America had participated in over the country's long
violent and bloody history. Excepting a few skirmishes with Mexico, Civil War
and the American Revolutionary War... and the fighting with the "Indigenous
Tribes"...who were here before Columbus(and others)... no "invasion" mass
killings and blowup wars like in Europe, Africa and other parts of the world have
swept DEATH AND DESTRUCTION across the land.
Modern Day WAR! VISITED TO, IN AND ACROSS AMERICA... from elsewhere?
Unimaginable... But what if?... those "chickens" came home to roost?
*...but then, DAMN!...it hit me... we already got a bunch of senseless Killin' and
Violence and Death and Destruction happnin' ALL OVER the damn place...as I
type this... AW 8-15-23