"Native" Black Americans are dealing with a nuanced, awkward reality...
..."FORWARD stagnation" to going backwards --all of it subtly infused to
outright FEATURED in various ways
across damn near all "owned media".
...unfortunately, a fair few Native Black
folks who "politic"
to represent(get elected)--do not deal with
the "real" of "Been-Here-From-Git" Black
Folks losing ground in damn near every
sector...except maybe sports. And "low-regard".
There are individual examples of
intelligent, capable, balanced,
self-possessed, reasoned, SOLID
generations "Been-Here" Black
Folk here and there... "representing"...
But so much we see, hear, read, take in
through various media outlets is
"tinged" to outright "soaked" in
negative to downright disgusting
portrayal of "Been-Here" Black
A leitmotif of "less-than" runs through
the vast majority of it. Poison in small
to LARGE doses for the young in
formation/development of "self".
"Native", "Been-Here" Black Americans
are generally accepted to be the "least"
among Americans. A clearly identifiable
sub-culture... stepped over by even the
most recent of new arrivals... some
with no roots, history or family
citizenship when "anchor birthed" in
*America is one of a comparatively few
countries on the planet that allows for
"anchor-born"(parents not citizens)
to run for highest office of the land.
Puppeteer "passing over" became crystal
clear with the ignoring of a group of
American Women(and White and Male)
with deep roots and deep
understanding being pushed
aside in favor of... "anchor-born
Mrs.-- for V.P.---
The "shoe-horned" VP
manipulation was anchor-birthed to
non-citizen parents and raised through
formative years in Canada. Where she
is a graduate of a Canadian high school...
I "think" Congressman Clyburn "tried"
to push other better qualified "women"--
but was backroom ignored by the
cleverly self-positioned puppeteers
who have sorta quietly moved themselves
into "shot-caller"/puppet-controller
There were several...starting with
Val Demings...who would have...
NO QUESTION...been a light-years
better choice.
It ain't personal. It's just obvious
manipulation. And wrong.
It's a delicate balance to keep the
useful, "useful"... but, finally...
Kinda like the NFL. Love the game.
But can't help but notice who owns,
manipulates... and keeps
"control" while hiding in plain-sight
making sure no "Been-Here" Black
Americans end up in one of "their"
Ownership Boxes. *Gittin' harder
to exclude. But you can BET they will
choose carefully"... if and when.
made me sick to my stomach at thought
of laying that weak shit on the
generation coming along.
Been-here Negroes need to take as much
pride in their common bond and heritage
as those who show up from every
damn where else... and use
what's usable from the battles fought,
lost and won over CENTURIES by
"Been-Here" Native Black Americans.
*AND high "HQ" White Brethren(gender
The new-arrivals 'll tell you in a
minute about who they are...their pride
in same--but give little to no
"honest" respect/regard in return.
*...understand and don't blame 'em,
in large part because the "owned-
coordinated" media and the folks
BEHIND image creation/manipulation/
"news"--have historically...
AND STILL... cultivate a general
low-regard(more subtle) downward
look AND USE...of Native/Been-Here
Black Americans.
And why shouldn't they.
"We" don't even claim or
embrace or celebrate our "unique" people
and culture.
The Negroes I know? Share a
common culture and bond with?
'Been here for generations. Smokey, Tempations, Jelly Roll Morton,
Joe Louis, Jackie Robinson, Dr. King(who famously said...)
"The Negro knows very little of "Africa"...
Nothin' against anyone IN Africa...
FROM AFRICA... but to
be COMPLETELY honest? The Negroes who
are my Kin? My Folks? 'Share
MY many generations history, culture?
"Been-Here" Black Americans.
I was once sitting dinner with "royalty"
from Africa. Cool enough fella. At one
point, he reached across the table
and cupped my one hand in his.
He said, "we may well have done your
people a favor by sending you to America"...
I pulled by hand back.
No other response. 'Wasn't needed.
Most of the "sending" I knew was
my Grandmother sending my ass to
the store, to cut the weeds, to...
...and the same with all my other family,
kin and friend.
This Africa man was more foreign
to me than my Ukrainian-American
Neighbor friend who did ALL he could
to get me out of the after-college Second
Lieutenant Officer Training Program for
the Marine Corps. He went nuts: 2
gold-bars on your helmet that Viet Cong
used for target practice. Own men might
"frag" your ass because reputation was
college-boy officers didn't know
shit about "real". And your cannon-fodder
clueless "rank" came back
in high percentage of body-bags. *gave
Grandmother dark magazine cover
and article that backed up his "concern"*
He'd been there. 'Did all he could
to keep me from doing what many
friends and Family... of all races of "Americans" did... serve a bad idea
in support of Family, Neighbor,
Friend... and Country.
I fly the 13 Star Flag outside my front
door most days. I consider myself a
"Native" Black American.
Generations deep.
Crispus Attucks. First to die
for the idea of "America"
--a Black Man(mixed)...
I'll be dealing with my determination to
recognize, honor, celebrate, acknowledge,
identify with my unique and specific culture,
People, Family... until I take my last breath from this mother...
AW 9-23-22